Announcing the 2nd Annual NSS Conference
October 20-23, 2025
University of Notre Dame
South Bend, Indiana
Our theme
for 2025:
Transformative change for a just and sustainable future.
Balancing social, economic, and environmentally sustainable practices requires revolutionary action. While climate change, biodiversity loss, socio-political polarization, pollution, public health, and other related issues remain vital concerns, no outcomes are predetermined. Through individual initiatives and collaborative efforts in the near and distant future, humanity is still capable of both mitigating or even reversing adverse trends.
A just and sustainable future is within our power.
The second Annual National Sustainability Society conference welcomes those in academia, industry, nonprofits, and governments to come together and share contributions that focus on transformative change for a just and sustainable future. Emerging scholars and early career professionals are especially welcome!
Call for Contributions
NSS considers contributions that showcase both research and application. Scholarship on sustainability topics, work featuring case studies, best practices, collaborative interdisciplinary or cross-sectoral projects, or other works that connect to the NSS conference themes are welcome.
Key Dates
Important Dates
Conference Committees
Conference Planning
Arun Agrawal, University of Notre Dame
Saleem Ali, University of Delaware
Nicole Ardoin, Stanford University
Ashley Bennett, University of Notre Dame
Alisa Bonsignore, Clarifying Complex Ideas
Dan Brown, University of Washington
Maggie Davis, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Jim Hanna, Microsoft
Jay Golden, Syracuse University
Garrick Louis, University of Virginia
Tanis Marquette, TRC Companies
Shelie Miller, University of Michigan
Cassidy O'Block, University of Notre Dame
Jason Rohr, University of Notre Dame
April Toler, University of Notre Dame
Cristy Watkins, University of Notre Dame
Bill Clark, Harvey Brooks Research Professor of International Science, Public Policy and Human Development, Harvard University
Howard Frumkin, Professor Emerita, former Dean of Public Health, University of Washington
Stephen Hammer, New York Climate Exchange
Lolita Jackson, Perry World House, University of Pennsylvania, and Sustainable Development Capital LLP
Pamela Matson, Professor of Environmental Studies and Senior Fellow at the Woods Institute, Emerita, Stanford University
Local Host
Alex Bazán, Director of Sustainability, City of South Bend, Department of Community Investment, Office of Sustainability
Geory Kurtzhals, Senior Director, Sustainability, University Operations, Events, and Safety, University of Notre Dame
Zach Shrank, Director, Center for a Sustainable Future, Indiana University South Bend
Conference Sponsors